Determinant factors of aerobic and anaerobic power in martial arts

Anna Pilis1, Karol Pilis 1, Michał Zych1, Cezary Michalski1, Jacek Wąsik1, Pilis Wiesław1,2, Krzysztof Stec1
1Institute of Physical Education, Tourism, and Physiotherapy, University of Czestochowa, Poland
2Institute of Physiotherapy, Public Medical Higher Vocational School, Opole, Poland

Background and Study Aim. The body?s ability to undertake physical effort is highly variable and depends on many factors. Therefore, the aim  of present stady was knowledge about factors what determine the development of anaerobic power (AnP) and aerobic power (AP) in people practicing martial arts and in untrained persons.
Material and Methods. At the commencement of this study a dietary composition of 8 Brazilian jiu jitsu athletes, 4 taekwondo athletes (SG) and 10 students (CG) was recorded. Then both groups performed Wingate test (WT) to determine AnP and later a cycle ergometer test (ET) was performed during which AP, pulmonary and circulatory variables were recorded. Afterwards a correlation between AP and AnP indicators was performed. Then AP and AnP indicators were also correlated with the oxygen consumption (VO2), oxygen debt (OD), the value of energy expenditure (EE), the ingredients of the diet (UD) and somatic indicators (SP) separately in each group.
Result. The AP reached at anaerobic threshold (APAT) and aerobic power at maximal load (APML) correlated with numerous indicators of AnP indicators in the SG group, whereas in the CG group the correlations were few and concerned APML and AnP variables such as total work (Wt) and mean power (Pmean). Additionally AP and AnP showed more frequently significant correlation with VO2, OD, EE, UD and SP in the  SG group than in CG group.
Conclusion. Studies have shown that training in martial arts not only causes specific adaptation changes in the body but also improves the functional interdependence.
Key words: diet ? correlations

Published online: 17 September 2015
Copyright: ? 2015 the Authors. Published by Archives of Budo
Contributors: Karol Pilis, Michał Zych conceived the study design. Anna Pilis, Cezary Michalski, Jacek Wąsik collected the data. Michał Zych,  Cezary Michalski, Jacek Wąsik analysed the data. Anna Pilis, Karol Pilis, Wiesław Pilis, Krzysztof Stec prepared the manuscript. Wiesław
Pilis, Krzysztof Stec secured the funding.
Funding: Scientific work financed from the budget for science in the years 2013-2016 in the MNiSW project, nr RSA2 007 52.
Conflict of interest: Authors have declared that no competing interest exists
Ethical approval: Not required
Provenance and peer review: Under responsibility of HMA Congress
Corresponding author: Jacek Wąsik, Institute of Physical Education, Tourism and Physiotherapy, Jan Długosz University of Częstochowa, Armii Krajowej 13/15; 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland; e-mail: jwasik[at]
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